
Monday, August 15, 2005

Grandparenting in the 21st Century

As if the stress of raising kids in today's hustle-bustle world isn't enough, with both of you working and the price of everything going through the roof; let's add to your family situation a couple of well-intentioned, "experienced" child-rearing experts.

I mean, after all, look at the fine job we did raising you.

For the purpose of this article, let's assume that you haven't, at least not yet, taken the easy way out and moved across the country---far away from "Grandma and Grandpa", "Grams and Gramps", or whatever pet names you have assigned us.

No, imagine that you are the fortunate ones who have these virtual "fonts of child-rearing knowledge" living right next door---literally or figuratively.

Quick, easy baby sitting service, right? Right! You've probably already discovered that nothing is ever "quick and easy" when "G......and G......" are involved.

Thanks to modern medicine and the AARP (Association for the Advancement or Retired People), G and G are probably nearly as busy as you are. The truth of the matter is that you will probably find yourselves called upon to house and pet sit on an all-too-regular basis, as these two aged adventurers depart on one project after the other. There are, after all, cruises to be taken, many old friends to be visited, and plenty of beaches to be walked hand-in-hand at sunset/sunrise.

True, we weren't there for you as much as we would have liked during your formative years; but, please remember, we weren't there for ourselves much either. We somehow managed to shuffle careers with baseball and cheer-leading practice; housework with PTA meetings; sleep with sleep-overs and birthday parties. You know the drill. You're living it right now.

Forgive us please if we sometimes seem a bit jealous of our time. Do you remember all of the things we predicted that you would understand when you grew up and had your own family? Trust us on this one too then, when we say that you will also, someday, understand where we are right now. That understanding will come all too soon.

Right now, you assume as we did, that you have years and years to go.

Do you remember the day you were born? How about the day you finished high school, then college? Can you remember three days BEFORE your wedding? You remember some; but, we remember it ALL. And do you know what? From our current perspective, it all happened in an instant.

And now, for most of us, that "instant" contains over 50 years of change. Remember also, that many of us are "old hippies" at heart; and, Viagra not withstanding, many of us still retain that mindset. We were the "Make Love, Not War" generation-----something you have only read about in your history books; along with Vietnam, the Cold War, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, "......A giant step for mankind", Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy, Sputnik and CHALLENGER; and a host of other mind-boggling, life-altering, belief-challenging experiences.

We know that we're not unique. Each generation somehow survives its "defining moments". Our parents had World War Two and "the bomb". Their parents had World War One and The Great Depression.

You've already had Iran and Iraq, Y2K, and September 11th; and you are living in a world that has changed forever.

You'll survive; our grandkids will survive and thrive, as will their children. We just want you to know how blessed we feel to be able to continue sharing in this adventure.

Please bear with us if we don't always fit the traditional "G....and G...." stereotype. It's a brand new century for all of us.

Bear with us also if we seem to think that we have imperfect children.....and perfect grandchildren. You can take some comfort from the fact that our parents held the very same thought. Something else that you will understand.......all too soon.

Thanks so much to all of you; for being you.....and of our life.

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